

Tender is a garment that exhibits a structural knit textile that incorporates programmable microchips in each pocket integrated into the material. It can be programmed to react on different inputs, perform a range of actions and give desirable output. Touch sensitive garment is one of many possible applications of the developed textile.

Tender is a garment that reacts to stroking. It lights up separate pockets on the body according to how they have been in contact with the skin. By stroking the garment it is possible to ‘move’ the lighted part of the wearable. It can be used to gather light around the neck, chest area for reading, and hands area for spotlight to find something in darkness or for all kind of other playful effects. Tender is a combination of structural knitting, electronics and conceptual fur-bubble inspired look. It suggests the soft light and personalised interaction to be the luxury of today.

Project realised by: Kristi Kuusk, Martijn ten Bhömer, Paula Kassenaar (TU/e), TextielMuseum TextielLab Tilburg and Metatronics.

Photo credits – Photography: Hanneke Wetzer & Bas Berends (Studio HUID & HAAR); Hair & Make-up: Jaimy Bontenbal; Model: Malou Verheijen